Inclusive HR: from bias-free job postings to diverse leadership

Inclusive HR: from bias-free job postings to diverse leadership Our previous blog discussed reducing unconscious biases when drafting inclusive job postings. This is an essential first step to increasing diversity in your organization. However, inclusive HR goes beyond just recruiting new employees. From recruitment and selection to leadership development and performance management, you can contribute […]

Do you want to grow sustainably? Choose Inclusion.

Looking for solid growth? Choose Inclusion. Why do men (still) earn more than women? Why does Eveline find a job more quickly than Fatima? Why does Gerrit (61) always lose out to Thomas or Sanne (32). Or is Mădălina not offered her assessment in her native language? As DE&I policies gain traction, these practices still […]

Are you missing out on top talent?

Are you missing out on top talent? Once again, it’s all over the news. Shortage of this, not enough of that. Whereas in the past it was just the IT and technical sectors that were anxious to find qualified staff, now the whole of the Netherlands is on the lookout for new personnel. And not […]

Two opportunities for recruitment and selection during the Corona crisis

Corona - Eindhoven

Two opportunities for recruitment and selection during Corona crisis The Corona crisis caused much discomfort and many concerns as well. But it also offers new insights and opportunities. Less traffic (the NS reports 85% fewer travelers), less activity, and cleaner air, for example. Also, opportunities for recruitment and selection. In this blog, I will give […]

Can you implement organizational change without psychological data?

Can you implement organizational change without psychological data? Change: nobody will escape from it. Digitization, disruption and robotization cause tsunamis that come at us on top of the normal waves of change. Many functions are fading away and many new ones are emerging. From fixed to stacked jobs, from postman to drone pilot, from teacher […]

candidate experience and quality of hire

Candidate Experience

Gaat Candidate Experience (CX) ten koste van selectie? In een tijd van arbeidsmarkt schaarste is de candidate experience van groot belang, toch? Alle barrières die een kandidaat op zijn/haar reis tegenkomt, dienen weggenomen te worden, toch? Of slaan we door? En neemt de kwaliteit die je aanneemt af. Als je dat vreest, is er goed […]

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