Assessment services.

How psychology supports HR

Psychological assessment

Get solid advice quickly about someone’s potential: We carry out a psychological assessment for a selection or development issue. For example, you want to hire an applicant but need an additional risk analysis by a psychologist NIP, or you are looking for more evidence of one of your employees’ growth potential.

HR topics

Assessment data supports HR themes: do you want to coop with an assessment partner? Starcheck provides assessments and offers data analytics, advice, development, inclusion, diversity, and customized solutions. This enables you to make fact-based talent decisions and makes your organization move faster and with more progress.

Get solid psychological advice quickly

1. Intake

Defining your question, the behavioral criteria, and the assessment need

2. Program

Determining the desired type of assessment (online, offline, combi) and selecting an assessment program, role-plays, and exercises

3. Assessment

We contact the participant to arrange a date and make sure the participant knows what to expect.

4. Feedback and consent

The participant receives the advisory report. Then, the psychologist will explain the advice to the participant by telephone and request permission for distribution to the client.

5. Give advise

The client receives the advisory report and has a consultation with the psychologist.

6. Evaluation

After about 10-12 months, an evaluation meeting takes place between the client and the psychologist.

Average turnaround time from steps 1 to 5 in 5-7 working days. Candidates make tests and questionnaires online; the other parts of the assessment are taken at our office or via a video meeting. Other parts of an assessment are role-play, assignment, presentation, or in-depth interview.

Assessment data supports HR topics

Structural cooperation offers the opportunity to set common goals and to give substance to relevant themes. Themes can be quality selection, diversity, employee engagement, inclusion, or succession and leadership.

Betrokkenheid en motivatie | Starcheck

Shortages and talent attraction

In a tight labor market, selection often becomes a challenge. The limited supply may tempt concessions in the selection process, leading to the hiring of less suitable candidates. These choices can affect the team, potentially resulting in the departure of valuable colleagues.

We support our clients with the Better Hires program. With this program and our clients, we improve the selection and quality of the recruitment funnel. We can identify the desired target group more accurately by analyzing assessment data. Thanks to detailed success profiles, recruitment activities can be better targeted.

With Starcheck as your assessment partner, you can use assessment offensively and improve the quality of hire. This allows you to make sustainable choices that retain existing outperformers and welcome new talent.

The digitization of HR

The digitization of HR processes is essential to making precise talent decisions quickly. Our digital solutions provide a seamless transition to a digitized approach.

With HRorganizer, our clients can take individual assessments of candidates online, allowing more evidence to be gathered about suitability and match. Our innovative web application, Team-composer, enables organizations to build collectively intelligent teams, maximizing synergy and team chemistry.

Investing in digital HR tools increases the speed of decision-making and improves the overall performance of teams and organizations.

Diversiteit en inclusie | Starcheck

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are explicitly on the social agenda. Diversity and inclusion make organizations more customer-oriented, creative, innovative, and attractive as an employer. Moreover, you can recruit more widely to attract talent from multiple target groups. Research by McKinsey already showed in 2015 that diversity significantly increases the chance of better financial performance.

HR policy that embraces diversity and inclusion requires an objective way of selecting and judging. Starcheck helps and advises in objectifying judgments, removing (unconscious) prejudices and (unintended) thresholds.

We look at fairness, multilingualism, adverse impact, bias, test fear, and the use of expert systems.

Breng leiderschap in kaart | Starcheck


Moderate leadership is killing. Decision-making is too slow, energy is fading away, and talent is abandoning the ship.

Leadership affects all aspects of the organization: the phase of the lifecycle, the aging population, the available potential, the degree of self-management, succession planning, business succession, and the appointments of executives.

We support our customers in all these aspects with assessment, data, and advice. We look at leadership potential, advise self-managing teams, and carry out CxO assessments. Also, we characterize management (layers) based on psychological metadata. For example, we can map execution power or the degree of creativity or customer focus.

We give leadership direction with our assessments and advice.

Een team is meer dan de som der delen | Starcheck

Compose teams

More and more organizations are turning into network organizations. In which professionals work on new problems and solutions in constantly changing teams.

Combining people who can tackle challenges together is increasingly displacing individual roles.

In a world where speed, agility, and creativity are the dominant success factors, managing collective performance is a must. That is why teams must have members who fit the assignment and reinforce each other as a collective.

Starcheck has invested a lot in knowledge and research in collective performance. This way, we help clients provide their project-based assignments with an optimal combination of team members.

Advies over duurzame inzetbaarheid | Starcheck


The world of work is changing, getting faster, and with more impact. Many of today’s jobs won’t be there tomorrow. And the jobs of tomorrow don’t exist yet. These changes require a common agenda and shared responsibility.

Employers want to understand their future value chain and the talent that goes with it. Employees wish to have insight into their talents and the associated possibilities for migrating to new work. Performance data is often no longer relevant or has a limiting effect.

We help our clients map out future skills, competencies, and underlying psychological items from our field of expertise. And we provide employees with insight into their strengths and development opportunities.

Assessment aanvragen

Direct bellen: 088 – 277 377 6

Request Assessment

To call directly: +31 88 277 377 6