About starcheck and our vision on talent assessment

Disruption is pushing companies to reinvent their business. Organizations that think ahead develop a fresh and innovative approach that separates themselves from looking back and benchmarks.

To lead the way, the best people should do the most complex work. Starcheck provides psychometric data, tools, and analyses to match the best talent with the right work.

Our services are based on the following principles:

Evidence based

Candidates and employees

Should you accept the job or not? Should you take that step in your career or not? Assessment is about the meaningful choices that touch candidates personally. Employers can not fix mistakes; career choices cannot be reversed. That is why assessment requires the best-proven tools and methods without concessions.


Decisions about candidates are decisions about investments. Something you can’t just base on instinct or divining rods. You not only want to fill a job vacancy, but also want to look ahead. In that case, you need psychometric science to give you the right instruments to make the best predictions about a candidate’s potential.


Candidates and employees

Candidates don’t just want to provide information during an assessment; they also need something to gain from it. For example, meaningful feedback that goes beyond what’s only relevant for that particular job. And experience: the candidate’s experience is essential. Short adaptive tests and gamification help, but high-quality feedback comes first.


Assessments are not just that logical measuring point in case of vacancies and career moves. New types of assessments already have something to offer when talent is not looking for anything. For example, when talent is already long and wide on board, and you want to develop them without a concrete next step. Assessment is about engaging. At an early stage.

Over Starcheck


Candidates and employees

Talent seeks constantly challenging environments: organizations that not only follow the fast pace of the market and society but take the lead. So that talent can develop quickly. That challenge should already be noticeable in the assessment’s experience. In sourcing, recruitment, and talent development.


Competitive speed leads to greater competitive strength: organizations must increase their speed to stay ahead. Speed prevents competitors from easily copying your success. This speed in the market demands talent. Assessment is essential for finding and retaining this talent

Talent verlegt grenzen


Candidates and employees

It’s unrealistic to ask candidates to come for the whole day. Those days are gone. Assessments can be cut in half and be just as good, thanks to adaptive tests and questionnaires. Time is just as valuable to candidates as it is to organizations. That’s why they appreciate companies that take this into account.


It’s always tempting to want to measure too much during assessments. It’s also tempting to have an interesting candidate take an extra test or two, just in case. But it’s much better to decide beforehand what you want to know and, therefore, what you want to measure. This saves time, money, and effort.

Assessment efficient en efectief

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