7 differences between recruitment games and assessment games

7 differences between recruitment games and assessment games What are the main differences between recruitment- and assessment games and why is it important to understand those differences? 1. Goal: marketing vs. selection Recruitment games are developed with the aim of interesting a particular target population in your value proposition on the job market. You want […]

Assessment games: 3 pitfalls to avoid

Assessment games: 3 pitfalls to avoid Assessment games and recruitment games have been used for several years for recruiting talent and for making a preselection of candidates. However, developing and using assessment games is more complex than it would seem at first sight. In our view, these are the 3 greatest things to avoid: 1. […]

Global talent assessment: US antidiscrimination law shoots itself in the foot

Global talent assessment: US antidiscrimination law shoots itself in the foot Ethical dilemma for corporates who want to hire staff in the US It’s now off-limits in US and also in Australia to ask applicants about their country of origin. Gender and religious beliefs are also taboo. This is to counteract discriminatory selection based on […]

Talent assessment: when are Young Graduates too young?

Talent assessment: when are Young Graduates too young? We have recently analysed the assessment data of the young graduates from our corporate customers on a meta level. The psychological profile of candidates who manage to reach the final phase of the selection process, provides us with the following information: The intellectual capabilities of young graduates […]

Using emotional intelligence tests in assessments in the year 2017

Using emotional intelligence tests in assessments in the year 2017 Rise of emotional intelligence (EQ) Emotional intelligence was first mentioned in a scientific article by Salovey and Mayer in 1990 (source Wikipedia). The concept received limited attention until 1995, when Daniel Goleman published his New York Times best seller Emotional Intelligence. A hype was born. […]

What is the maximum number of competences I can test, without losing the focus?

What is the maximum number of competences I can test, without losing the focus? This has to be one of the most frequently asked questions that assessment agencies receive from their customers. There is no one clear answer. This article explains what type of competences are used to measure, which instruments can be used and […]

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