
Online assessment automatically generates an interview briefing for each candidate.

For selecting and developing its employees, Ordina uses the Starcheck assessment service. For senior management at Ordina, Starcheck carries out assessments as a service.

For most of their other positions, Ordina uses the ‘do-it-yourself’ assessment portal HRorganizer, designed and managed by Starcheck. Over 3,000 assessments have now been carried out using this portal.

“Within recruitment, a data-driven approach has become regular. The link between our ATS and the online assessments means we can now enrich our selection with relevant data. This creates an efficient selection process with a shorter lead time.” – Gert-Jan van Meer (former manager of corporate recruitment at Ordina) 

Interview briefing for high volumes

Due to this high volume, Ordina needed to realize a link with their ATS. The technical departments of Talentsoft and HRorganizer collaborated to create this link.

This now means that the data entry for candidates only needs to be entered once during the entire sourcing and recruitment phase.

Because candidates are managed from one database, it is also easier to accurately comply with GDPR regulations.

“We use the accumulated data for analyses and trends within our Recruitment funnel. Thanks to these predictive analyses, we can manage our funnel better. Starcheck helps us add more to this data and make the data more manageable.” – Gert-Jan van Meer (former manager of corporate recruitment at Ordina)

Interview briefing anytime, and accurate

At the same time, extra functionality was designed for Ordina. One of Ordina’s priorities is to be data-driven as much as possible. This formed the starting point for the design of the additional functionality. Based on the results from the online assessment, Ordina automatically receives an indication per candidate, giving which competencies need specific attention during the interview and why. This data-driven brief accurately prepares the hiring managers on the most relevant topics for the interview.

Depending on the number of interviewers, the competencies are arranged based on importance using an intelligent algorithm (designed by Starcheck). In the case of 2 interviewers, the competencies are also divided in the most effective way between the interviewers. The underlying goal is to create maximum independence in judgment and improve the quality of the decisions. This has the added benefit for the candidate that they are interviewed twice on different topics, significantly improving the candidate’s experience.

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To call directly: +31 88 277 377 6