Self assessment

With a self-assessment, suitable candidates select themselves

A pré-recruitment activity

Because of scarcity, employers often present job openings too nicely. Too romantic, too slick, or with organizational values attached that do not cover reality. As a result, candidates cannot critically assess whether the vacancy suits them. So, unfortunately, the wrong target group of candidates ends up in the recruitment funnel.

Marketingtool for recruitment

You need to recruit the right target group to avoid disappointing interviews, disengaged hiring managers, or poor onboarding experiences. In short, self-assessment gives you more quality in your recruitment funnel.

“A self-assessment allows you to see more relevant candidates

How to develop a self-assessment?

A self-assessment allows candidates to judge whether the job and organization suit them. You describe realistically what your organization expects from a future employee. A self-assessment can consist of text, video, a self-test, or, for example, a game.

A realistic pré-view is a robust self-selection mechanism that significantly improves your recruitment funnel’s quality. Self-assessment is a powerful and often underestimated tool.

Step 1

Interview the best employees and describe 2-3 critical incidents

Step 2

Identify desired and unwanted response patterns

Step 3

Develop or enrich personas

Step 4

Translate content into form, e.g., a game or a test (SJT)

Step 5

Launch the self-assessment and measure conversion

The base of a self-assessment

Realistic Job Pré-view

Listen to new voices

The basis of a good self-assessment is, for example, a Realistic Job Preview. This allows you to communicate what a job requires and the actual organizational culture as truthfully as possible.

The way to start developing a Realistic Job Preview is to interview successful employees who preferably have been employed for only six months. The technique used for this is the Critical Incident Technique. With this technique, you can discover reaction patterns in critical situations that make the difference between success and failure in a job.

Realistic Job Preview een kijkje in de keuken
“With a Realistic Job Preview, your candidates learn about successful or unwanted response patterns.

Realistically show success and failure

Suppose you have identified these situations and desired and undesired response patterns with the Critical Incidents Method. In that case, you can use them to communicate your proposition clearly to the labor market. You can also use the desired and unwanted reaction patterns to develop a persona. Finally, you can use critical incidents to draw up a Situational Judgment Test (SJT).

In a Situational Judgment Test (SJT), you describe the situation and ask what kind of behavior candidates want to show. This test allows candidates to discover whether their response pattern is appropriate for the position and the organization. This way, candidates can judge their chances of successfully functioning and fitting with the organization.

Zelf assessment werft inspireert
A self-assessment is very suitable for gamifying.
Then the self-assessment immediately gets a promotional effect.

Develop a self assessment Starcheck

Suppose your organization wants to deploy a self-assessment. In that case, we can guide you through all the steps: from identifying critical incidents and naming response patterns to developing personas and self-assessment.

We write content for your career website or help you with gamifying.

Plan a demo

Or call: +31 88 – 277 377 6

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To call directly: +31 88 277 377 6