Selecting IT professionals

Selecting IT professionals, our specialty

Starcheck is a specialist in selecting IT professionals. We have extensive experience devising and implementing selection programs for small, large, and well-known IT employers. We do this for, Ordina, ABN AMRO Clearing Bank, Intermax, and others.

Demand has increased much faster than supply

IT professionals are scarce

The days when IT professionals worked primarily at IT companies are well gone. Now it is entirely different. IT technology is woven into every part of every organization. As a result, information technology is the heart of most organizations.

The demand for IT professionals has increased dramatically. Structurally increased even: due to ongoing digitalization, the demand for IT professionals is only growing. At the same time, far too few IT professionals are graduating to fill that labor market need. The result is structural scarcity.

If you used to be able to select on job suitability, now the recruitment funnel can hardly be filled with experienced job-appropriate candidates. So what’s next?

IT professionals zijn schaars

“The less sexy your labor market proposition is, the more you depend on alternative target groups”

Attractiveness of proposition

Scarcity vs. ability to differentiate

Does your organization have a strong labor market proposition? Then you have an advantage in the competition for the experienced IT professional. In recent years, trendy start-ups and scale-ups or large, appealing organizations have benefited from their proposition. In particular, employers who can prove that they invest a lot in innovation based on a clear vision can distinctively position themselves.

The reality is that one organization recruits experienced job-suitable candidates more efficiently than another. This has to do with the image, reputation, credibility, terms of employment, perceived risk, and other elements of the proposition.

Schaars IT talent

“If you recruit widely, it’s not about strict selection, but the precise selection.”

With or without experience

Recruiting IT professionals, inches wide or miles deep?

If your organization cannot sufficiently fill the recruitment funnel with functionally qualified candidates, you can consider whether you should recruit more potentially suitable candidates.
You recruit more broadly and approach alternative target groups. And you select precisely the potential you need.

Our experience is that selecting for above-average potential ultimately yields a better result than selecting moderately function-suitable candidates. Of course, this also depends on your organization’s workforce composition.

Precies selecteren van IT talent

ROI of educational costs

Managing risks when selecting potential

Training a non-qualified IT professional to become an employable professional is relatively expensive. You don’t want a lot of risk of dropouts here. Moreover, developments in IT demand ongoing training. This places high demands on various facets of analytical ability.

In addition, working in IT has developed rapidly, for example, from waterfall to agile. An agile way of working requires more communication skills within the team and with customers and users.

Selectie op potentieel

Starcheck helps you selecting IT professionals more accurately

We have a wide range of key figures about the desired structure of your recruitment funnel. We can also indicate how many candidates you need in which part of your recruitment process to hire candidates who can ultimately develop into high-quality IT professionals. We help define the desired target group. And advise on tweaking your proposition.


With our experience, we know the psychological profile for each position in detail. That comes in very handy when selecting IT professionals. But also in being able to assess personal growth. After all, we are familiar with the psychological characteristics important for growing into IT-related end positions.

Want to know more about our approach? Contact us using the form below or call us directly.

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