Preparing for psychological assessment

A psychological assessment provides answers to questions such as:
Are this job and culture right for me?
Which career path is best for me?
What is my leadership potential?

It is essential to prepare well, both substantively and mentally. You can prepare for a psychological assessment with the explanation and videos below.


Components of an assessment program

Online parts

Ability Tests

Ability tests can map different forms of intelligence, such as verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, analogies, spatial awareness, technical insight, multitasking, creative thinking, etc. Ability tests are timed tests: you must complete them within a specific time.


Personality and motivations are mapped out with questionnaires. They are not tests: there is no right or wrong answer. Instead, by mapping personality and motivation, an estimate is made whether the typical behavior of a candidate is appropriate for the position.

Live parts


Role-playing allows function-relevant behavioral skills to be observed live. During a role-play, the candidate can show the extent to which these skills are mastered.


Psychologists base their interviews on tests, questionnaires, resumes, and job profiles. The psychologist wants to understand the candidate and examine the degree of self-understanding. In this way, the psychologist tries to predict the candidate’s performance.

The steps of a full assessment

An assessment always consists of an online part and can additionally consist of some live components. Most candidates take the online assessment at home, at an optimal time. The live elements take place at Starcheck or via a video meeting.

Step 1

You will receive an email link to the assessment program. The deadline is also stated in the email.

Step 2

You make the tests and questionnaires at home. Spreading is allowed; you should not do it all at once, but preferably before the deadline.

Step 3

Appointment with a psychologist for live assessment components. At the office or via video.

Step 4

You will receive the advice report. Then, the psychologist will discuss the advice with you by telephone.

Step 5

After your permission, the client will receive the advice.

Examples online tests

Verbal reasoning

In this test, information is presented in the form of texts. The test measures the ability to draw logical conclusions from complex information. In addition, the test measures the ability to find relevant information for answering different types of questions. With a high score, complex information can be interpreted quickly under pressure, and leading and side issues can be separated.

Inductive Logical Thinking

This test shows figures that are classified into two different categories based on rules. The goal is to discover these rules and apply them to the new figures to put them in the correct category. The test measures the ability to reason logically to arrive at a general rule. A high score indicates the ability to analyze information and discover the ‘rules’ behind it.

Deductive Logical Thinking

In this test, the correct symbol that belongs in the box with the question mark must be chosen. The test measures the ability to recognize the link between cause and effect. A high score indicates the ability to see through complex processes and systems.

Numerical reasoning

In this test, information is presented in the form of tables and graphs. The test measures the ability to draw logical conclusions from this complex information. In addition, the test measures the ability to find relevant information for answering different types of questions. With a high score, complex numerical information can be quickly interpreted under pressure, and leading and side issues can be separated.

Being well-rested, no cell, not being disturbed and concentration; that gives the best results

How can I prepare for an assessment

You can prepare for an assessment. Not to pretend to be brighter or different, but by knowing what to expect and avoiding surprises. The following applies to all parts: make sure you can concentrate well and are rested. Make the online assessment at that moment of the day when you can focus best.

Online parts

Capabilities tests

These tests measure how many correct answers you can give in a certain amount of time. The offered tests are tailored to the norm group corresponding to the position level. So don’t underestimate them. Search the web to practice these types of tests in advance. You can practice dealing with time pressure and finding the right balance between good and fast. Gambling leads to poorer results. So read the question carefully, answer without guessing, and don’t waste time checking.


With questionnaires, you may be tempted to fill in socially desirable. Online questionnaires have algorithms that map inconsistency. And inconsistency doesn’t help credibility. If you have an interview, the psychologist will ask further questions. It is better to ask yourself: how well do I know myself? If you already have a clear self-image, that is the best preparation. Otherwise, get feedback from relevant people who can look at you critically. Relevant people are mainly people at work: colleagues, customers, supervisors, or people you supervise.

Live parts


There are two types of role-play role-playing: fact-finding interaction and analysis presentation. In fact-finding interaction, you have to read up on a situation, and you will have to extract additional information from the conversation during the role play. During the role-play, try to keep asking questions and make things concrete. Above all, stay calm and focused. With an analysis presentation, you get much relevant and irrelevant information and have to give a presentation. Show that you can process a lot of information, classify it, create cohesion, present it, and interact.


The best preparation for an interview is understanding yourself. Ask for feedback from others in advance, and think about how you function. In which situations do you outperform or underperform? And how come? How do you deal with that in practice? Giving socially desirable answers is not very effective. After all, the psychologist has your assessment data from other parts of the assessment program. The psychologist will ask further questions if you provide an answer during the interview that does not align with answers from the online assessment.


An online assessment consists of several tests and questionnaires. And each part takes about 15 minutes on average. If you want, you can take a break after each test or questionnaire. In total, you have several days to complete the online assessment. Then, you can log in anytime to finish the next part.

Yes, that’s possible. But this is, of course, not the intention. If in doubt, we may ask you to retake a verification test at our location. We have other sources of information such as the interview and perhaps also role-plays. If patterns emerge that are not consistent, we find out how that is possible.

Let us know. We can look for a solution together. Do not make an online assessment, and do not attend a live assessment. After all, you will not perform optimally, which means that an assessment psychologist cannot make a reliable estimate.

Please indicate this in advance, and we will take it into account. We will ask for a dyslexia statement or official diagnosis to adjust the assessment based on that. But unfortunately, if you only report this during the live assessment, we can no longer use replacement tests.

At Starcheck, you can retake one online ability test. After taking the tests, our system will indicate which test is best for you to retake. You can adopt that suggestion. You can also retake another test or choose to leave it as is. If you decide to retake a test, our system will use the result of the best-completed test. So you can never go backward. You cannot retake online questionnaires and live parts of an assessment.

Contact us. If you can’t concentrate well, you won’t be able to put in a good performance that does justice to you, at least in the ability tests. Together we will find a solution.

Pregnancy can negatively affect your concentration. In particular, the results from the ability test may therefore be less favorable. Contact us before you start taking the tests. An assessment psychologist will look for a solution together with you.

Burnout always harms your performance on ability tests in particular. We often get candidates who assume that things will go well again. Don’t underestimate the effect of burnout on ability tests. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us before taking the assessment. Our assessment psychologist will look at a solution.

Almost all languages are available; you can choose in which language you make the tests and questionnaires. For the language-sensitive ability test, in particular, you must take the test in the language you know best. If you can’t find your desired language or have another question, let us know, and we will help you.

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