Example psychological test reports

Psychological test reports free download

Psychological test reports, what do they look like? What’s in it? What information does Starcheck talent assessment extract from all tests a candidate or employee has made?

Below you will find some examples of psychological test reports and a working profile. Learn more about competencies and the underlying items such as personality, intelligence, and motivations.

Working profile

It usually starts here. The work profile indicates which behavioral competencies are essential for the successful performance of a position.

An interview can identify competencies, and various expert systems can compile such a profile in a very structured way. Starcheck works with the HRorganizer expert system.

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Example assessment report job profile

Competency report

After a candidate or employee has made an online assessment, an expert system generates a report in which the potential of successful behavior is mapped.

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Example assessment report competency profile

Test score report

The test score report is also generated based on an online assessment. The test score report contains all underlying items that can explain potential behavior (competencies).

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Example assessment report test scores

Personal report

The personal report is also generated based on the online assessment. It is a report that is specifically intended for a candidate or employee. This report mainly concerns educational information and provides more insight into “who am I” and “what can I do”.

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Example assessment report personal report

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