Assessment in Eindhoven

Are you looking for an assessment in Eindhoven? Starcheck predicts functioning with online assessments, interviews, simulations, games, and clear reports. In addition, we advise on selection and development issues. And we can assess tests and questionnaires in 40 languages.

Starcheck is a specialist in technical and ICT talent decisions. We understand that the dynamics of the Eindhoven region require quick reactions and advice to help you move forward.

  • Specialized in psychological assessment
  • Tests and questionnaires in 40 languages
  • Tests and questionnaires approved by EFPA
  • Lots of data on technical and ICT profiles
  • Integration with various recruitment steps
  • Experienced NIP psychologists

1. Using talent assessment as a selection tool

Due to the current shortages in the labor market, particularly for technical personnel, you have no choice but to recruit further afield. After all, continuing to search for the mythical perfect applicant produces far too few candidates. You will have to look elsewhere for technical talent. Abroad, for example. Or search for candidates with different experiences. You will be forced to make the odd compromise, and compromise leads to extra risks for your recruitment.

That is exactly the point at which assessment has been shown to have added value. By carrying out a selection assessment, we can predict someone’s performance, mapping out the risks so your organization can anticipate them. By focussed coaching, training, or a course, for example. A selection assessment allows you to make rational selection decisions. This makes more sense than simply hoping that it will all work out.

Starcheck can measure if your candidate (technical or otherwise) has enough analytical skills to take your organization to the next level. We can also assess how well their personality structure and motivations match the position. We can even assess how sensitive they are to frustrating setbacks and how they express those feelings. That is exceptionally useful for whoever has to manage them.

Starcheck can even measure the potential for innovation in a psychometrically valid way. Innovation potential combined with technical/analytical skill: that’s what Eindhoven is all about. And if you need to find your technical talent from far away, we can carry out assessments in 40 languages, all online, incredibly useful to do before you decide to fly them over for selection interviews.

2. Talent assessment as a marketing tool for talent acquisition.

Using self-assessment and pre-assessment allows you to positively influence both the number of candidates and the candidates’ quality in the recruitment funnel. These short online assessments can produce a great deal of useful information. Online self-assessment is used to help potential job seekers to greater self-knowledge. Self-assessment improves your organization’s brand awareness with latent job seekers. Online pre-assessment gives you a fast way of filtering to leave only the best candidates, increasing the quality of candidates invited for an interview.

Eindhoven populair bij expats

Eindhoven popular among expats

3. Assessment in Eindhoven for foreign candidates

Ability test scores will be affected if candidates cannot take such a test in their native language. Many companies in the Eindhoven region recruit staff from abroad. And before foreign candidates are flown in, an online assessment is often taken first. Starcheck can administer tests and questionnaires in 40 languages. This allows candidates to take tests in their native language, and intellectual potential is mapped out to the maximum (accurately).

Psychological assessment, how does it work?

Techniek, design en kennis

Eindhoven: technology, design and knowledge

4. Using talent assessment for staff development

When is a member of staff ready to take on a management position? Particularly in a technical environment, this can be an awkward dilemma because, on the one hand, technical staff will only accept the leadership of someone with a technical background. Still, on the other hand, many technical managers get into difficulties with people management.

The consequences of an incorrect promotion are well-known: if someone who performs well is promoted to a management position, you run the risk of appointing a bad manager while at the same time losing a good member of staff.

Starcheck helps organizations and staff members with this dilemma by conducting development-oriented assessments. Using a development-oriented assessment, Starcheck can investigate whether promoting your staff member is worthwhile. And what skills your staff member has to develop. Naturally, we can help you with many other questions related to staff development. So please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out whether your staff could develop and how.

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