Assessment Corona-proof

Assessment during Covid, safe and sound

Assessment Corona-proof, how does that work? In a time of social distancing, organizing a f2f interview or role play is just a questionable topic.

At Starcheck, all parts of an assessment can be taken online. Read here how we do this and what advantages and disadvantages it brings.

Due to Covid-19, we don't need to modify assessment programs

A remote assessment does not mean that an assessment program (all parts of an assessment) must be adapted immediately. Omitting face-to-face parts is sometimes possible, but not always.

After all, those involved seek as much evidence as possible to make a solid prediction about successful behavior. That is why all assessment forms can be taken online at Starcheck, and assessment programs can remain fully intact.

Assessment Corona proof

Online assessment

All tests and questionnaires are (and have been) taken online. Candidates and employees can safely complete @home tests and questionnaires. It is also possible to practice first or to repeat certain tests without any memory effect.

Online assessment Starcheck

Video-based Interview

Participants can log in and participate in a video session at home, in a familiar environment.

All interviews, assignments, and role play takes place with the help of various video applications. Assessors can also participate in and observe neutrally.

Online interview Starcheck

Pros and cons

The most frequently mentioned advantages are no more travel time and at home, the participant feels more at ease.

A disadvantage is also mentioned: a video-based assessment requires more of the ability to concentrate.


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To call directly: +31 88 277 377 6